Reducing Your Ticket Points

A traffic ticket is a notification issued by a court order to a driver, warning the driver that he/she has violated traffic rules. It is usually issued for some infraction, such as speeding or running a red light. In some cases, a traffic ticket can also be issued for failure to obey an officer’s signals or instructions. It is imperative for the driver to understand what a traffic ticket is all about before paying the requisite fine. So, how do you go about defending yourself in a traffic ticket?

As mentioned, a traffic ticket can only be given to a driver when the court has determined that there is sufficient evidence that the violation was committed. A traffic citation is considered “conclusive and irrefutable” after a hearing by a judge. The citation must include the name of the defendant, his/her address, the exact citation number, the date on which the citation was issued, and the name of the arresting officer. Some jurisdictions also require that any statement made by the defendant at the hearing be recorded in his/her official police record.

If you received a traffic citation for speeding violation, the next step is to figure out whether it is your first offense or if you have a history of reckless driving. If you are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, it is most likely your first offense. In this case, it is highly recommended that you immediately surrender your driver’s license and contact a DUI defense attorney. If your case involves repeated speeding violations, it is advisable that you hire a lawyer who deals with drunk-driving cases. The attorney will be able to evaluate your case and guide you accordingly to reach a suitable decision.

If you have no previous traffic offenses, or if you have kept your driving record clean for the past five years, you might still be able to get a discount on your ticket. If you are facing an automatic suspension for 3 days from your current license, and you can prove that you have changed your auto insurance policy, your case might be eligible for a traffic school. Most traffic school providers require that the new policy is posted to your current driver’s record, so proof of insurance should suffice. If you have had a traffic school within the past three years, your case might still be eligible for reduction.

When you receive a traffic citation, there are a few options available to you to reduce your fines and penalties. The first is to challenge the speeding violation in court. Each state has different rules on how to prove a traffic law violation, and most of them rely on a comparison between the speedometer or speed reading you had when the violation occurred and the speed limit you were driving at the time. Your traffic ticket may be thrown out if it is proven that you were driving below the posted speed limit at the time of the incident. It could be argued that the police officer did not implement the proper traffic law violation signal, failed to give sufficient warning, or was just wrong in issuing the speeding ticket in the first place.

traffic ticket for speeding in a work zone

If you successfully completed the required three years on the road with a clean driving record, and your case doesn’t go to trial or appeal, you might also qualify for a driver’s responsibility assessment. A driver’s responsibility assessment is a review of your driving record by an agency such as the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), which will determine whether you’re worthy of a driver’s license. This assessment works by calculating your risk level and assigning a number of points to each of the issues that it finds are important to your safety and the safety of others on the road. Each time one of these points is earned, it increases your license suspension period and overall penalties.