Instead of lacing pest sites with a poisonous cocktail of powerful

The world is changing to green. “Green” can be described as the hue of environmental concerns, the motivation that inspires cutting-edge technology, the latest buzzword for those who are socially conscious. The concern for the environment and the effects of man’s actions on it is leading to many new products on the market and pest control isn’t an the exception. Environmentally-friendly pest control services are growing in popularity, particularly in the commercial sector. Even the most eco-conscious consumers in residential areas are seeking alternative methods to conventional pesticides, however their enthusiasm tends to fade when faced with the 10-20 price differential and the longer time frames for treatment, often spanning many weeks.

The growing awareness of the environment, along with the increasing stringency of federal regulations that regulate conventional chemical pesticides, seems to shift the attention of the pest control industry towards Integrated Pest Management (IPM) methods. IPM is not just more sustainable for the environment, but also safe for animals, humans, and other scavengers, such as Owls. Of 378 pest management firms which were surveyed through Pest Control Technology Magazine, 2/3 of them said they offer IPM service of some kind.

Instead of lacing pest sites with a poisonous cocktail of powerful insecticides designed to kill, IPM focuses on environmentally-friendly prevention techniques designed to keep pests out. While non-toxic or low-toxicity products can also be employed to help pests pack their bags Elimination and control efforts are focused on identifying and eliminating the main causes of infestation, such as entry points, attracting insects such as harborage, food and.

It is particularly popular in nursing homes and schools that are responsible for protecting the health of America’s younger and older citizens, the ones most at exposure to hazardous chemical exposure, IPM is catching the interest of offices, hotels as well as apartment complexes and commercial businesses as well as environmentally conscious residential customers. Driven in equal parts by environmental concerns and health hazard fears, interest in IPM is bringing a host of new environmentally-friendly pest management products — both high- and low-tech — to market.

“Probably the most effective product that is available for sale is a door sweeping device,” said Tom Green, president of the Integrated Pest Management Institute of North America which is an non-profit group which certifies green exterminating businesses. According to the course of an Associated Press interview posted on MSNBC online in April of last year, Green explained, “A mouse can fit through a gap the size of a pencil. If you have an inch gap under your door, so it’s a mouse’s concerned there’s no way to get through it in the first place.” Cockroaches are able to slither into an eight-inch gap.

IPM is “a more effective method of pest control to ensure the health of your home as well as the natural environment and the household,” said Cindy Mannes spokesperson on behalf of the National Pest Management Association, the $6.3 billion pest control industry’s trade group in the Associated Press story. However, as IPM is relatively new element in the arsenal of pest control tools, Mannes cautioned that there isn’t a consensus among the industry about the definition of green services.