Sales are the measures of money exchange or gainful exchange of one property for another, typically with a view to realizing a profit. The sale of a product by a seller to the buyer is also commonly called a sale. Sales and transactions involving the purchase and sale of items, services and products are ordinarily conducted by people engaged in commerce or in trade.
Selling can be done through retail, wholesale, or manufacturing. A typical transaction in the sales field involves the sale of a product to the ultimate buyer either for cash or other commodity such as payment or consideration. Sales are the units of work in any type of business activity, whether it is a general business concern or a specific industry. For example, sales in the retail field normally involves purchasing of supplies from a wholesaler or manufacturer who sells at a retail price and re-selling them to the end-user at a retails price.
General business concerns usually involve the sales of services and products offered by a firm to the public. The term “Net Sales” refers to total revenue less the cost of the sales transaction less any initial charge, including rent, support and advertising. Net sales pertains to the gross sale price less the cost of the sale less any initial cost, including rent, support and advertising. In the retail or general business context the term “Net Sales” generally refers to the gross sales less the cost of the sales transaction less any initial cost, including rent, support and advertising.