The manufacturers of infant food as well as health professionals are all unanimous in recommending breast milk as the most effective way to feed your baby for the first six months of his life. If a mother is unable, or unwilling to breastfeed, the formula for infants is utilized. There are also pathological or clinical situations that permit only infant formula to be used. This is a the main reason the industry of infant food makes an important role in infant and toddler health by providing healthy and safe alternatives to breast milk.
Abbott Recalled Infant Formula
These issues are as follows:
* Allergy to cow and soybean protein (or colic). The recommended suggested formula applied in this instance would be Mutramigen Neocate. These contain Casein Hydrolysate as well as hypoallergenic formulations.
* Renal or cardiac diseases. The suggested recommended formula utilized in this instance would be Similac PM 60/40. They are lower in Ca/Phosphorus as well as potassium.
* Necrotizing Enterocolitis. The suggested recommended formula is the early Formula or, in more severe instances Pregestimil. They are partially elemental and with Ca/P pregestimil: elemental/lactose-free
* Constipation: A great starting or routine formula with more sugar is highly advised. A good formula for starting must contain completely whey-based. This creates “soft breast milk-like stools”
* Cystic Fibrosis – Portagen or Pregestimilor Alimentum is an excellent formula in this situation. The formula will increase in the MCT fat content.
* Diarrhea- A Routine or Isomil Lacto-free, DF pregestimil formula. Isomil DF is composed of water-soluble fiber, lactose-free, and other such as lactose-free, the basic formula.
Premature Infant formulas
* Designed specifically for premature babies with a birth weight of below 1800 grams.
Major nutrients are partly elemental to facilitate digestion.
* The mineral and vitamin content is about three times higher than normal formulas to meet the higher demands of premature infants.
* Only available ready to feed with 20 or 24 calories per ounce.
* Protein 60 60% casein and 40 percent of whey
* Carbohydrate: 50% lactose and 50 percent glucose polymers
* Fat Medium Chain: 50% and 50 the long-chain triglycerides.
Brands available
1. Premature Enfamil with Iron
2. Similac special care with iron
3. Similac Natural Care (breast dairy fortifier)
4. Similac Neocare
* Designed specifically for premature infants over 1800g that require more calories proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
* 22 calories/ounce standard dilution.
* Commercially available in powder form. It is ready to be fed within the setting of a hospital.
* Suitable in the beginning year food intake.
Using Bottle
Let the baby let the adult know when the it is time to stop eating. Babies are naturally able to get the correct amount of food as long as they are allowed by their parents this privilege. Babies can alter from day to day in the quantity of the formulas they desire and require. Let them communicate this to the feeding device. If a baby shuts its mouth, turns its eyes away, is upset and refuses to get the baby’s nipple changed, take note that the feeding over and dispose of any remaining formula in the bottle. The leftover formula left after feeding may contain bacteria that will multiply and be eaten by the baby in the event that the bottle is reused.
Always hold your infant while feeding. Do not prop the bottle. Infants must be able to look at faces of those who feeds them, they should be able communicate with the person feeding them and enjoy eating. Additionally, they should be able take the bottle out of their mouths when they’re vomiting or choke and this is not feasible when a bottle is propped.
Never give a baby sugar or honey. There have been a number of instances of severe food poisoning caused from the consumption of corn syrup and honey being given to infants who have undeveloped digestive systems.